rejection in job interview

How to Survive Rejection in Job Interview | Its not the End

A recent graduate goes in for a number of interviews in one single day. S/he faces rejection in job interview by not just one but all the employees. To deal with rejection in job interview became a repetitive occurrence for the student.

Some employers rejected the application, some never called back, some promised offer letters but never did. Would you have given up after all this? This student did not. Collecting feedback and working upon them is what he did instead.

He chose to not look at rejection letters as failures but as opportunities to gain. And finally, he landed a job that suited him the best, where he continues to work to date. Keep reading to know how this person grabbed the opportunity to prosper in-spite of rejections.

You will be facing different types of interviews like a walk-in interview, panel interview, etc while searching for a job. In order to survive rejection in a job interview, you need to understand the reasons for rejection in job interviews.

The Effects Of Rejection

Always know that accepting rejection can be hard. But when you start your job search, you should always be mentally prepared for dealing with rejection in a job interview. The main challenge is to deal with rejection in an interview as a positive experience rather than a negative one.

The dreadful rejection email, phone call, letter or text has been something that every working person has faced at least once in their life. A lot of times, you have the feeling that you performed exceptionally in an interview. You wait for a positive outcome, but it turns out to be contrary to what you anticipated. Such situations can be hard to handle and accept.

The Mistakes People Make After Being Rejected


The human tendency is that we react more to the negative events of our life compared to the positive ones. Therefore, to feel pessimistic about rejection after a job interview is the most natural feeling. The truth is, if you did reach the interview stage, it means you were already better than a lot of other applicants.


It does not necessarily mean that the recruiter was against you or thought that you were not good if you are rejected after an interview. It simply means that the company found someone whose experience was more suitable for the role than everyone else. Never take the result of an interview personally.

Being Dependent

Relying on one particular job and pinning all your hopes to it is one of the biggest mistakes people make. Always keep alternative options ready for yourself, and not rely on one single job opening.

Adding To The Past

When we deal with rejection in an interview, we tend to think about things that can make situations worse. Instead of pondering upon the rejections that you faced, you should ponder upon all the positive feedback and comments.

Blaming Yourself

When you blame yourself instead of being positive while dealing with rejection in a job interview, you cause a lot of harm to your self-growth. Do not consider yourself unworthy in case you are rejected in multiple job interviews. Focus on your strengths, work on your weaknesses. Do not take the rejection personally.

Things To Learn From A Rejection in Job Interview

Be Flexible

Have the courage to be flexible and accept change. Your mindset will help you a lot to reach your goal. You should make sure to always be constructive and not dull. After the interview rejection, work harder and learn from each interview.

Re-Consider Your Choices

The reason that you had to deal with rejection in an interview could be that the role was not meant for you. There’s a possibility that you also felt like you could not see yourself in the same role for days to come. If the tasks that would be assigned during the job do not seem to be exciting, chances are the selection of the job-opening was a wrong one.

Make Notes

While dealing with rejection in job interviews always give extra thought to the weaknesses and focus on working on them before appearing for another interview. If the interviewer tells you about certain requirements that you did not possess, plan them into your action accordingly.

Seize The Opportunity

It can be a hard task to review your rejection interview, but you need to do it. Take action wherever there is room for improvement and be a better version of yourself. Gather all the constructive feedback from all the hiring managers that you come across.

Do Not Take A Pause

After you deal with rejection in an interview, there is a possibility that the thought of not looking for a job for a while crosses your mind. The job-seeker might end up being isolated from the network that was built if the momentum is broken. In that situation, the internal candidate will be back to square one from where they started. So keep going with the job hunt.

A New Perspective

Approach each interview you give with a fresh perspective. That way, you can make sure that you do not repeat the mistakes you made in the previous job offer.

If you feel you were unprepared for a part of the interview, or if you made mistakes, acknowledge them and learn from them. Be what you are and improve if you feel you lack somewhere. It is always a good time to learn from your mistakes and move on.

Continue searching for your dream job, it is just around the corner!

Learn how to prepare for an interview here!

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